Inga is away visiting Brad in Philadelphia. I spoke to her via cell phone tonight while she waited in line for a They Might be Giants concert. I wanted to make sure she had her mittens on. I know she is 16 but mothers don't stop worrying... maybe ever. Erik is frequently gone to friends houses so Karl and I have been spending our free time at the movies.
We went to see the Curious Case of Benjamin Button. The theater was filled with teenagers who all seemed to have their feet up on the seat backs. They were good they didn't talk or anything but still it was slightly uncomfortable to be soo old and seemingly short on hormones. Oh yes and the movie was very long. Very long. Generally the characters were unlikeable. The story wanted to be a magical fable but it fell short of the dream.
Last night we saw Happy Go Lucky which was excellent. The theater was filled with forty somethings. Funny how people are generally most comfortable with their own age group. Mixed age grouping is okay but really I don't want to be the ancient one! The movie was about a woman who is unfailing happy. She starts off as annoying but ends up as really likable. It has some startling scenes where she talks to a homeless man. I wanted to shake her for being so stupid. I definitely connected to her. Great movie. Oh yes she goes to Flamenco Dancing class which is just hilarious. The teacher is very passionate shall we say... Sort of like the kids at the Benjamin Button movie!