Friday night I had a meeting of my Book club. We have been together about 8 years. Some people have moved, some people have splintered off to form a
Bunko club instead, but our core group of 6 woman have remained through out the years. It is an inter generational group with people in their twenties and people in their sixties. This adds dimension to our discussions. One of the first books we read was about the Taliban and Afghanistan. Someone brought a color coded map which I thought was pretty cool. I think the next one was a about a talking gorilla. We read all different kinds of things. This year we read Caliph's House: A Year in Casablanca by
Tahir Shah which was about renovating a house in
Morocco. Enjoyable but it did not make me want to renovate anything in
Morocco. We read Three Cups of Tea by Greg
Mortensen and David Oliver
Relin. After that book we donated money to build schools in the mountains of Pakistan in the book club's name. This past month we read The Nine: the Secret World Inside the Supreme court. I haven't finished that one because halfway through I got too disheartened to read on. Clarence Thomas is worse than expected shall we say. With the election coming up it was even harder to read. Next month we are reading the Hounds of
Baskerville. Last year we read a spooky book in October. We read The Thirteenth Tale. I
recommended that one with some trepidation due to some hints of incest but everyone loved it for the spooky factor so we are hoping to repeat the theme this year.
Yep, we always talk about the book. ( Well except that one time we tried to read Shakespeare) But of course we also follow along on with what's happening with
every one's families births, weddings, school problems,
etc. We manage to talk religion and politics pretty well too. No
arguments have ever
occurred although we do get loud. (Inga and Erik hate it when Book Club is at my house!) Someone
usually has a funny story. I guess I will always remember Bernadette's stories about delivering the newspaper on her pony and sharing one bathroom with eleven other siblings. Oh yes, and her boss that thought Canada was in Europe. Judy and I are separated by a generation but we have remarkable
parallels in our lives. Hopefully that means someday soon I will start traveling to all the places she has been. (Well I'll pass on Antarctica at Christmas!) I am often tired upon arriving but less tired when leaving. Book clubs are a good thing.