Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Math and Division

This morning Inga was telling me about a t-shirt she had seen at camp that has the symbol Pi saying "Get Real" to the square root of minus 1 ( which is apparently denotes an imaginary number). The imaginary number answers, "Be Rational". She wanted that t-shirt. Being a supportive parent of geeky children of course I tracked it down and ordered it. ( Maybe the word is not supportive but indulgent?) Anyway I thought it was funny so I ordered it. Well, I thought it was funny after it was explained to me! I ordered it along with the one which had the moon telling Pluto, "Don't feel bad I'm not a planet either!" Inga wears her geeky t-shirts proudly and she backs that up by clomping around in combat boots which are pretty hard on flip -flop wearers.

The thing about this election that is difficult for me is that way it is hammering home how divided we have become in this country. Of course I too feel strongly about "the issues" and the election but more and more I keep it to myself because I don't want to know how the people I am eating lunch with feel. It is much easier at this point to be friends and eat lunch happily when you don't know where they stand. "Embracing Diversity" only works when you have someone to hug.


Oma/Marion said...

I agree Cindy about not wanting to know where people stand politically. So many people that I really like have a complete opposite view from me and I find that hard to understand. I also agree that I'm tired of all the politicing, it's been going on for 4 years and they haven't solved anything yet, and it annoys me knowing how much money they are spending trying to promote themselves that could better be spent feeding starving children somewhere.

CAPII said...

Good Blog Cindy.

I remember taking a 'Political Science' course to get some credits for something. We had what they called a Quad where you could get toothpicks (coffee) to keep your eyes open; and, the first day of class the Prof said the way to get a respectible grade was to buy him a cup of coffee at the Quad, and buy his Book. I never bought into his Proposal so it was a "C". Glad I picked up the A's and B's in math, physics, geology etc.

Congressman, for the most part, are the same. I will include lawyers, who are mostly our Congressman, in the same category. Never trust them, they are mostly a bunch of car salesmen.
The Honerable Sam Johnson from my District is an exception. Similar to John McCain he too spent 7 years at the Hanoi Hilton and has deep compassion for America and his constituents. I hope our children will still see a Country which has protection from certain foreigners who hate us, liberty,religious freedom as our Mayflower ancesters, and a judical system which will abide by our Constitution as our Forefathers established. I am afraid that we are going in the wrong direction for that to happen. Pardon the grammar,spelling etc.

Tamara Overton said...

Here's my understanding of math:



I understand the politics division. Some days I'm divided within myself over the issues :-)